Wednesday 16 May 2012

Posted a followers gift to my tumblr :3

Here to be precise. Nice pile of eyes. How many you ask? 71. Colors below.


  1. beautiful <3 thankyouu! ^^

    btw, do i have to choose which 1 folder i install? like, either genetisized or townified or custom? and masks = additional contacts/found in masks?

    1. Hey, glad you like them and yes you'll have to pick between custom/genetisized/Gen+Townified but you can keep masks regardless of what you choose as they indeed are found under masks. I figured that people would want to have only one version of the eyes (since it would be bit silly to have three exactly same eyes with only difference on how they'll be inherited) so I always used copy of the same file and simply edited the few lines that are required for genetisizing and/or townifying. That said if you wanted for example x-eye being custom you could snag the custom version of it and rest could be from the genetisized folder or the other way around so you can mix and match what you want genetisized and what not, just make sure that you don't have two same eyes installed. Though if I remember correctly I didn't rename them so they should overwrite each others if you added two of the same eye in your Download folder. Easiest of course is to simply pick one folder and install that :)

    2. thx! ^plus, i found a tutorial explaining the differences - anyway i'm stupid, since i mostly play empty templates.. LOL no townies, and when, i'll make them myself ^^
