Friday, 24 August 2012

New update at my tumblr~

Here to be precise. Also I've been thinking of completely moving over to tumblr, it's sort of pain in the butt to update here too and some pictures aren't working and argh, I can't be bothered to fix them >_< So if someone actually checks here to see my posts PLEASE follow me on tumblr instead, the address is okay? Thanks bye.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

2 male hairs, 3t2 conversions by The Losted @ Simscave

Oh yesss the dumbest title for a while but hey, the title isn't the important part but the upload right? :D

So what do I have this time? Some days ago The Losted from Simscave converted 2 Kewai-Dou hairs from Sims 3 to Sims 2, I didn't see anyone else doing retextures of them so I jumped to it since I actually quite much like these hairs for Sims 3 and was excited to see them for Sims 2 also. You'll get lame pictures again, apologies about that. :(
First we have Avaritia

Download Avaritia

And secondly Hibari - which unfortunately has some transparency issues especially on the back, they do show up pretty well in this picture so that you know what you're getting, (or not in case you decide to jump past this hair)

Download Hibari
All the normal things apply, Pooklet's V3 textures (in fact both have exactly same texture), elders keep their colors, includes also Io's colors and Hat's Smokebomb. Mesh credits to Kewai-dou and the Losted :3

Next time you'll get something for the girls instead, promise ;3