Friday, 24 August 2012

New update at my tumblr~

Here to be precise. Also I've been thinking of completely moving over to tumblr, it's sort of pain in the butt to update here too and some pictures aren't working and argh, I can't be bothered to fix them >_< So if someone actually checks here to see my posts PLEASE follow me on tumblr instead, the address is okay? Thanks bye.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

2 male hairs, 3t2 conversions by The Losted @ Simscave

Oh yesss the dumbest title for a while but hey, the title isn't the important part but the upload right? :D

So what do I have this time? Some days ago The Losted from Simscave converted 2 Kewai-Dou hairs from Sims 3 to Sims 2, I didn't see anyone else doing retextures of them so I jumped to it since I actually quite much like these hairs for Sims 3 and was excited to see them for Sims 2 also. You'll get lame pictures again, apologies about that. :(
First we have Avaritia

Download Avaritia

And secondly Hibari - which unfortunately has some transparency issues especially on the back, they do show up pretty well in this picture so that you know what you're getting, (or not in case you decide to jump past this hair)

Download Hibari
All the normal things apply, Pooklet's V3 textures (in fact both have exactly same texture), elders keep their colors, includes also Io's colors and Hat's Smokebomb. Mesh credits to Kewai-dou and the Losted :3

Next time you'll get something for the girls instead, promise ;3

Friday, 27 July 2012

Reached 100 followers at Tumblr so I posted a gift there :3

That of course doesn't stop you from downloading it too, just click all these four links to go for goodies :D

part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 This maybe revealed to you why I haven't posted anything this month XD So happy it's all done now :3

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Whoops, pics missing - go to my tumblr for working ones :3

Apparently some pictures have gone missing and I need to fix them all (after I hunt them down to begin with... ^^U ) Anyways meanwhile you can download my hairs from my tumblr at - pictures there should work as they are uploaded directly on tumblr. Also *wink wink nudge nudge* I'll soon(ish) post some new hairs at the tumblr as I've gotten *gasp* 100 followers there @_@ It's so unreal and I'm like ASDASDASDAS not worthy. *sobs happy* Yeah anyways go there for my works for the time being until I can fix everything here.

Monday, 2 July 2012

The GoS treasure hunt... now over, go grab what I made from there, it's the one called digitalangels ^.^

Friday, 29 June 2012

Rose Gudai hair for both genders

Okay firstly, this wouldn't have been possible without Yuxi generously sharing their F2M conversion of the hair in the first place and Trapping converting it forward to other age groups so HUGE THANK YOU to both Yuxi and Trapping ♥

Download female

Download male

Just to warn in advance, this hair is LONG so it most likely has some wonkiness ingame, here's a backshot of it (which btw inspired Royalblues to write her comic if you haven't checked it out please do so now! oh part two is here just in case you're as sucky navigator as I am :P )

^ Also fixed that error in Alpha. It seemed so small and invisible in bodyshop that at first I figured that I'll just let it be but then seeing how obvious it's in that screenshot I fixed the Alpha, just felt too lazy to open the game to take a new picture of the fixed one. ^^; That said it was on Rose's original already and it makes me sad to think the female version was a payfile... *shakes head*
Anyways credits are the usual but not any less important:
  • Pictures by Royalblues
  • Mesh gender conversion by Yuxi and age conversions by Trapping
  • Textures by Pooklet 
  • Color actions by Pooklet and Io
  • Includes all Pooklet's naturals, Io's colors, Pipebomb, Mailbomb, Timebomb and Smokebomb (I believe that last one is Hat's color?)
  • Binned, not familied and elders keep their colors. From children to elder.

Also allow me to express some utter shock:

^ My box status right now. I've been grinning whole day like crazy after noticing that 'cause I never expected many to be interested in my retextures since there are so many others doing them too and I'm just little nobody posting in my tiny corner. So thank you all who download my files since it totally makes my day! :D (also please let me know if I run out of bandwidth so that I can reupload files to alternative places. These are in Dropbox so they should be okay.)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Smallish Newsea hair retexture dump :3

Sort of only three hairs BUT all for both genders so six overall, whee! :D

Newsea Foam (mesh converted for all ages and males by Trapping. My retexture also heavily relies on her texture since it had pretty highlights and I sucked at making those thus it's Trappings original retexture with V3 overlay to make them less shiny)

Download Female | Male

Newsea Viking this one's pretty old, I think from Newsea's first site @_@

Download Newsea Viking female

Download Newsea Viking Male

Newsea Leo I think this is another oldie from way back to Newsea's first blog. (Not that it's actually important but anyway)

Download Newsea Leo Female

Download Newsea Leo Male

Credits & Info
  • As always pictures by Royalblues
  • Textures by Pooklet
  • Color actions by Pooklet and Io
  • Meshes from Newsea and mesh conversions for all ages and genders to Foam hair by Trapping :3
  • Also thanks to Trapping for the original retexture of Foam which I used as base :3

Guess that was that for now. If links go dead, lead to wrong file or anything feel free to tell me and I'll fix things ASAP!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Some eyes :3

Uploaded these already last night to my Tumblr but now posting here too~

So this time I have three small sets of eyes :3 click pictures for downloads again ^.^

Ephemera's 090205 eyes straightened

Long story short: I couldn't stand that they looked slightly to the side. Really these eyes were so pretty and then they didn't look directly ahead and I couldn't use them and I was all "ARGH!" And then I "fixed" them. *shrugs*

Ephemera NS eyes edited

Another of these "I kinda love them but then I kinda hate them..." stories. I guess they're not really even recognizable as the same eyes as what they were at this point ^^; but for comparison:

So uh... removed that light from the bottom and changed the catch lights since the eyes looked sort of dead with the ones they had. The new catch lights are from those earlier posted Tea Leaf eye edits.

Icy Eyes

These eyes are pretty much based on these eyes I saw on Second Life marketplace. It was lame try to "transfer" that texture on Sims but the image was way too small so it ended up being pretty much redraw of those eyes. I tried making more colors but anything darker simply looked crappy. :'( BUT if someone wants to go on editing them and manages making darker colors link them to me! I want them! XD I guess these eyes can be bit tricky to use but they should look nice if you use eyeball shadows like for example the ones in this set.

Finally here's a lame watch of them all:

First 8 are Ephemera 090502 edits, then 5 different colors of Icy Eyes and finally NS edits.

Each Rar contains: custom, genetized, genetized&Townified and mask versions of these eyes. Genetized folders also have info about how they've been genetized so that you can change the ones you don't like. :)

Credits & Thanks:
  • Lovely pictures by Royalblues ♥
  • Original eyes for NS and 090502 edit by Ephemera (though they're from back when E-studio still existed... That link takes to his latest blog)
  • Icy eyes err... Well I guess 'base texture' and original idea credits go to .Insufferable Dastard. in Second Life. They are reconstruction of .ID. Light Sensitive eyes after all :3

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Not so manly hair

What can I say, I LOVE pretty hair on pretty boys and especially have weakness for bit wavy hairs *shrugs* Anyways today I'll have you some Cazy, Peggy and Skysims hairs :D Trapping was the lovely angel to respond to my request to get Skysims 12 converted for males too so special thanks for her.

Click pictures for the downloads :3

 Cazy TheLie (#54)


 Peggy Mh_110904


^ This one was alpha edited a little. It also almost wasn't posted 'cause it looked kinda bad in bodyshop but seeing that it looks okay in game after all I included it ^.^ 

SkySims 12 Converted for males by Trapping


Credits and thanks:

  • Pictures taken by Royalblues Thank you dear for your time again ;__; It means a lot for me really
  • Textures by Pooklet, usually V3 but occasionally mixed with other versions. Skysims one uses exactly same textures as the female version I posted here
  • Color actions by Pooklet and Io
  • Meshes: Cazy @ TSR (snagged from Sunsetsims though) Peggy and Skysims (Trapping made the conversion ♥ )

Other stuff:

  • Like usually elders keep their color but there are two grays and white included
  • Hairs are binned and placed into folders according to their families
  • Not familied 

Monday, 28 May 2012

3 new hairs retextured

Again just click pictures for downloads ^.^

ButterflySims 48

Newsea Vince juu tiedän että oikeastaan sama kampaus kuin aiemmin postitettu Humming Bird Newsealta MUTTA tämän meshillä on alempi polycount -> se on tietokone ystävällisempi joten jos pohdit että miksi vaihtaisit niin siinä yksi syy XD

Peggy Malehair 081121

Other info:
  • Pictures taken by Royalblues ♥
  • Pooklet’s V3 textures, except Vince is mostly V2 blended with V3
  • Files are handily foldered by families
  • All NATURALS, binned but not familied
  • Io’s Colors, also binned but not familied
  • Color actions of course by Pooklet and Io
  • Elders keep their color
  • 2 Grays (mailbomb and pipebomb)
  • 1 White, available both as CUSTOM and as BLONDE, only keep ONE
  • Includes also Shrapnel binned as brown, it’s placed outside of its family folder, again only pick either the black one or the brown one, not both!
  • Includes TNT red to get even number of files ^^; (it bothered me!)
  • Meshes from Peggyzone,Butterflysims and Newsea
  • Volatile textures as .PNG

Saturday, 19 May 2012

4 more hairs Pooklet'ed

This time Lapiz’s Malkavian, Peggy_Mh110926 (labeled as PeggyMalehair7908 in booty so I went with it), CoolSims85 and the ButterflySims41 M2F conversion from Jennisims :D Download by clicking pictures, credits and other info after pictures.


Bfly41 M2F

Lapiz Razuli Malkavian

Peggy Male hair 7908

Other info:
  • Pictures taken by Royalblues ♥
  • Pooklet’s V3 textures
  • Files are handily foldered by families
  • All NATURALS, binned but not familied
  • Io’s Colors, also binned but not familied
  • Color actions of course by Pooklet and Io
  • Elders keep their color
  • 2 Grays (mailbomb and pipebomb)
  • 1 White, available both as CUSTOM and as BLONDE, only keep ONE
  • Includes also Shrapnel binned as brown, it’s placed outside of its family folder, again only pick either the black one or the brown one, not both!
  • Includes TNT red to get even number of files ^^; (it bothered me!)
  • Meshes from Peggyzone, CoolSims, Jennisims/Butterflysims and
  • Volatile textures as .PNG

Sunday, 6 May 2012

4 New hair retextures

Already uploaded these to Tumblr earlier but hey better here late than never eh? :3

Download by clicking the pictures

SkySims Hair12

RoseSims Gift 83

Rosesims Pay 109

Sue_G Malehair2 (SueG = CherryND from TSR)

Usual stuff:

* pictures taken by Royalblues
* Colors are in the folders according to their families but not familied.
* Contains all Pooklet's naturals
* Io's colors (
* Meshes included always
* Elders keep their colors but included are 2 grays and white in custom.
* White also available as blonde, keep either it or the custom white not both
* shrapnel included as brown too called as "Shrapnel_brown" keep either that or the one in Family 2 folder, not both!
* Useless/not working ages removed.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Time Trip to the past [/four Peggy's male hairs Pookleted]

This time we'll be spoiling (or punishing depending on your taste of hair XD) boys~ 

I did plan to make the female version of the Yuxi's conversion of PeggyFh3900 but the second I started editing it first showed up HUGE neck gap and then later 2 more smaller gaps when I removed parts from alpha. Seriously Peggy? That's a pay hair too! [/rant] Anyways if I'm not completely wrong all of these hairs are from 2008 thus the time trip title. :3

Click the pictures for Download links, they open in new window ^.^


Peggy_Mh081001 (or October 2008 gift)


* I edited the alpha of the front bangs quite lot in this

Other info:
  • Pictures taken by my dearest Royalblues
  • Pooklet’s V3 textures and few migth have some V1 and/or V2 blended in them too (I forgot already if they do but I'm pretty sure at least Peggy Mh20080809 has some V1 in it 'cause it looked too flat with just V3.)
  • Files are handily foldered by families
  • All NATURALS, binned but not familied
  • Io’s Colors, also binned but not familied
  • Color actions of course by Pooklet and Io
  • Elders keep their color
  • 2 Grays (mailbomb and pipebomb) 
  • 1 White, available both as CUSTOM and as BLONDE, only keep ONE 
  • Includes also Shrapnel binned as brown, it’s placed outside of its family folder, again only pick either the black one or the brown one, not both!
  • Oh yeah since last hair also includes TNT red to get even number of files ^^;
  • Meshes from Peggyzone and Yuxi 
  • Volatile textures as .PNG
And that was that. :3

Monday, 23 April 2012

9 Pookleted hairs

Click the pics for downloads

Newsea Ocean Blue

CoolSims 79

CoolSims 84

CoolSims 88

CoolSims 94

CoolSims 94 F2M by Yuxi

Peggy100201 (male)

Peggy100201 (female)

MyoS 30 with Yuri’s alpha edit

The normal stuff:
* Pictures taken by Royalblues ♥
* Files are handily foldered by families
* All NATURALS, binned but not familied
* Io’s Colors, also binned but not familied (
* Meshes included
* Elders keep their color, but includes 2 Grays (mailbomb and pipebomb) under custom
* 1 White, available both as CUSTOM and as BLONDE, only keep ONE
Includes also Shrapnel binned as brown, it’s placed outside of its family folder, again only pick either the black one or the brown one, not both!

Few of the hairs have V1 and V2 textures mixed together with the regular V3 texture

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Moar Pookleted Peggy hairs (2 for boys 1 for girls)

One day I will learn to come up with better titles for my posts but while waiting for that to happen "enjoy" the easily digested matter-of-factly "this is what this post is all about"-titles. :3


Download Peggy080916

* Also includes cannonball blue because uh.... it looked good in blue?


Download PeggyMh_110318


Download PeggyFh_1110011

* Includes Firework, Fluorophone, PowderCake and Tetryl too. Just... because.

The general info:
Pictures taken by wonderful Royalblues ♥
Pooklet’s V3 textures
Files are handily foldered by families
All NATURALS, binned but not familied
Io’s Colors, also binned but not familied
Color actions of course by Pooklet and Io
Elders keep their color
2 Grays (mailbomb and pipebomb)
1 White, available both as CUSTOM and as BLONDE, only keep ONE
Includes also Shrapnel binned as brown, it’s placed outside of its family folder, again only pick either the black one or the brown one, not both!
Meshes from Peggyzone
Volatile textures as .PNG

Thursday, 12 April 2012

11 New hairs pookleted (Peggy, Newsea, XMSims & Zanki)

Already uploaded these to Tumblr earlier but now posting them here too :D

First the regular ramblings~:
* Pictures taken by lovely Royalblues
* Colors even though in folders according to their families are NOT familied.
* Comes in Pooklet's Natural haircolors
* Comes in Io's Colors (from
* Meshes included (From Peggy, Newsea XMSims, Yuxi (, Yuri ( sekä which is now dead (but the site contents are still available at Simscave under Sims 2 Sharing Area -> Dead sites if someone wishes to go snag them.)
* Elders keep their colors but there are two grays included as custom.
* White available as Custom and as Blonde, only pick one
* Shrapnel included also as brown and named as "Shrapnel_BROWN keep either the black one or the brown one not both!
* All the not working ages removed! \o/

First we have 6 hairstyles for the boys and then 5 more for the girls~ :D

Download Yuri's edit of Newsea Savivor

Download Yuxi's Female2Male conversion of Peggy 05576sta

Download Zanki Jet

Download Zanki Malehair 06

Download Zanki Saki Hair

Download ZankiEchidna1

Download Peggy 111219

Download XMSims94
* includes also Guncotton pink

Download Newsea Lover
* All hairs have different color hairbands according to whatever I felt like looked good on them

Download XmSims 81
* Ribbon is always the white and black polkadot one regardless of the hair color

Download Peggy 080510
* includes also Guncotton pink